2021 Spring
Spring 2021 marked another virtual quarter for our members. Due to nicer weather outside, we held a number of outdoors in-person activities and virtual gatherings. Despite the virtual environment, our members continue to hold events to strengthen our tight knit community and get to know our newest members.
Pledge/Recruitment News
Our Pledge/Recruitment committee along with our MORs held an incredible Spotify themed virtual recruitment week. During our recruitment week, we held 8 events ranging from info sessions, resume reviews, game nights, and a diversity & inclusion in business panel. This year, our D&I Panel featured Wanda Echavarria, Principal of Administration & Employee Development at Global Infrastructure Partners, Elizabeth Miller, Assistant Vice President - Head of Strategic Initiatives, and Logan Snyder, Head of Business Planning and Operations at FaceBook. At the end of our recruitment week, we welcomed 19 new pledges, the Rho Class, who underwent 9 weeks of pledging to become our newest NIBs!
Professional News
The Professional Committee elected new committee heads, Jota Iwase and Navya Lodha, and held a number of events. An exciting event we planned was a Joint Consulting Panel with the Northwestern chapter of AKPsi. Panelists discussed their internship and full-time experience working in consulting to help prepare members for consulting recruiting, internships, or jobs. We held an “All About the MBA” Panel featuring Justine Laufer (2020 AKPsi alumni) to answer questions about business school and help members decide what the right path for them is.
Social/Service News
Our Social/Service Committee continued to work hard to plan events that are COVID-friendly and accessible to members who can’t be in Hyde Park. We held events such as cheering on our swimmers at their meets, a krunker.io virtual tournament, day “at” the Reg, Spike Ball on the Quad, and letter writing service events. Social Committee also introduced the inaugural AKPsi Achievement Awards, awards that highlight members who are highly engaged. Awards included: MVB (Most Valuable Brother), highest total points, Class Clown, most posts on the AKPsi meme page, Life of the Party, highest attendance at social events, Unsung Brother, a star members who really really cares and contributes to AKPsi but is not always in the spotlight.
Marketing News
This spring, our Marketing Committee debuted its highly anticipated Spotify Recruitment theme! We have also continued to increase and improve our social media presence, with more diversified posts focusing on other interests of the members, including AKPsi foodies and AKPsi swimmers. In order to support the Rush/Pledge committee, the marketing committee filmed and edited promotional videos for our social media, featuring members and beautiful locations throughout campus and the city of Chicago.
Finance News
This spring quarter, the Finance Committee supported the Pledge/Rush committee by creating the stock pitch and consulting case challenges for the Rho pledge class. We assigned mentors to each pledge team as support throughout the process. The Finance committee is looking forward to putting together more events with the new pledge class next quarter!
Diversity & Inclusion News
The Diversity and Inclusion Committee has spearheaded and continued multiple initiatives for Spring quarter, 2021! First, we elected our new committee heads, Kriti Dugar and Riya Bindlish. We have continued our impact fundraising efforts throughout the spring and our fundraiser this quarter was for the University of Chicago Emergency Fund, which is a student-run organization dedicated to protecting and supporting marginalized students by providing resources and financial grants. We have continued the planning process for bringing back the Professional Closet initiative, where UChicago students across the campus can borrow interview clothing. Finally, our committee put on our traditional Masterclass event this Spring, following the theme of “Breaking into Business.” We had a panel of diverse AKPsi members who shared advice about their previous business experiences.